Spectroscopy and high-spin structure of 209 Fr

Excited states in {sup 209}Fr have been studied using the {sup 197}Au({sup 16}O,4n){sup 209}Fr reaction with pulsed beams and {gamma}-ray and electron spectroscopy. A comprehensive scheme has been established up to an excitation energy of about 6 MeV and spins of about 49/2({Dirac_h}/2{pi}). Several isomers have been identified including a J{sup {pi}}=25/2{sup +}, {tau}=48(3) ns state at 2130 keV and a 606(26) ns, 45/2{sup -} state at 4660 keV. The latter state decays via an enhanced E3 transition with a strength of 28.8(12) W.u. It can be identified with a similar isomer in the heavier odd isotopes {sup 211}Fr and {sup 213}Fr, arising from the maximal coupling of the five valence protons in the {pi}h{sub 9/2}{sup 3}i{sub 13/2}{sup 2} configuration. The systematics of the yrast states in the odd-A isotopes are discussed, including the presence of states arising from the main proton configurations coupled to the p{sub 1/2}, f{sub 5/2}, and i{sub 13/2} neutron holes. Shell-model configurations are assigned to many of the observed states. The isotopic assignment differs from earlier work, which is shown to be erroneous.