Der Einsatz von Menschmodellen zur Schwingungs-optimierung des Systems Mensch - Sitz - Fahrzeug und zur Bewertung der Schwingungseinwirkung auf den Menschen

Vibrational comfort is gaining importance in the assessment of vehicles. The optimisation of the technical system seat - vehicle with respect to vibrational comfort requires the inclusion of the human user. Therefore, human models are necessary for the automotive development process, we require numerical models at the virtual level, and hardware dummies at the experimental stage. It is the goal of this contribution to make clear which requirements human models need to fulfil before they can be used in the vibrational optimisation of the man - seat - vehicle system and in the evaluation of vibrational impact on the human body. The driving-point impedance at the buttocks is the most important parameter in the description of whole-body vibration behaviour in seated man. The seat pressure distribution is essential for the description of the human - seat interface. The seat transfer function is used to describe the dynamic properties of the seat during interaction with the human. The variables which definitively influence vibrational behaviour of the human body and those parameters which describe the interaction of the human with the seat are enumerated. This is followed by the formulation of criteria for human models. With the help of two examples, the software dummy CASIMR and the hardware dummy MEMOSIK, it is illustrated how the requirements regarding human models for the reproduction of whole-body vibration behaviour are taken into account when developing human models.