Solving stochastic multiobjective vehicle routing problem using probabilistic metaheuristic

In this paper we propose a new metaheuristic algorithm for solving stochastic multiobjective combinatorial optimization(SMOCO) problems. Indeed, we find that the various initiatives that have been launched recently on this subject, they propose the classical metaheuristics to solve a stochastic multi-objective problems,but when the stochasticity effects is not taken into account, the choice of an arbitrary value leading to a particular configuration and a high loss of information. To conserve the stochastic nature of SMOCO problems,the pareto ranking should be defined on the random objectives functions directly rather than converted deterministic objectives. From these considerations, the scope of this research should consist of: (i)Proposed novel methodology of stochastic optimality for ranking objective functions characterized by non-continuous and no closed form expression. This novel approach is based on combinatorial probability and can be incorporated in a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm. (ii)Provide probabilistic approaches to elitism and diversification in multiobjective evolutionary algorithms. Finally, The behavior of the resulting Probabilistic Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithms (PrMOEAs) is empirically investigated on the multi-objective stochastic VRP problem.

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