The Programming Style for Drawings from to

To produce class materials with figures using TeX, the KeTpic Development Group (KDG), comprising S. Takato, the author and several Japanese mathematics education researchers, completed KeTpic in 2011 as a plug-in for the Scilab numerical analysis software package. We describe KeTpic programs with the command line user interface Scinotes. KeTpic users produce KeTpic programs based on their original programming styles. This leads other KeTpic users to a shortcoming that renders it difficult to use their KeTpic programs. To resolve this situation, KDG has developed the KeTpic programming style for drawings in 2013. KeTpic programs include three parts: a preamble part that describes setting commands, a part for making plot data and a part for extracting plot data into a figure TeX file. Since 2014, KDG has improved KeTCindy as a plug-in for an interactive geometry software Cinderella. Cinderella has two screens: the interactive geometric screen and a screen that describes Cinderella commands called Script Editors. When a KeTCindy command is run in Script Editors, the corresponding KeTpic commands are extracted to the proper position of the three parts in a Scilab executable file described above. This paper explains the KeTCindy system from the viewpoint of the programming style for drawings and introduces the author’s related website, which describes the utilization of KeTCindy.