ENFICA-FC: Environmental Friendly Inter-City Aircraft and 2-seat aircraft powered by Fuel Cells electric propulsion

[Abstract] The main objective of the ENFICA-FC project (ENvironmentally Friendly Inter City Aircraft powered by Fuel Cells), funded by European Commission, is to develop and validate the use of a fuel cell based power system for propulsion of more/all electric aircraft. The fuel cell system will be installed in a light sport aircraft which will be flight and performance tested as a proof of functionality and future applicability for inter city aircraft. A feasibility study will be carried out to provide a preliminary definition of new forms of commuter aircraft propulsion systems that can be obtained by fuel cell technologies. In parallel, a two-seat electric-motordriven airplane powered by fuel cells will be developed and validated by flight-test. The high efficiency two-seat existing aircraft Rapid 200, manufactured by Jihlavan Aircraft, was selected over more than 100 light sport aircrafts and will be used for the conversion from internal combustion engine. The fuel cell system and the electric motor will be integrated on board. The following items shall be pursued: A fuel cell system shall be designed, built and tested in laboratory ready to be installed on board for flying. (provided by Intelligent Energy). A high efficiency brushless electric motors and power electronics apparatus for their control shall be designed and manufactured ready to be installed on board for flying Efficiency of 90% would be obtained by an optimised aerodynamic propeller design. A study of the flight mechanics of the new aircraft will be carried to verify the new flight performance. Flight test bed of the aircraft capable of remaining aloft for one hour will be the main goal of the project to validate the overall high performance of an all electric aircraft system. The ambitious results will be to present, in a public event within the scheduled time (Summer 2009), the flight test bed of the aircraft capable of remaining aloft for one hour to validate the overall high environmental performance of an all electric aircraft system.