실태 분석을 통한 공동주택 재건축 안전진단 기준 및 매뉴얼 개선방안 연구

The problem of safety diagnosis provisions and manuals for reconstruction is analyzed. Then the most efficient method is proposed as follows. (1) Through the analysis of AHP, it is founded that weigh of structure-safety evaluation is similar to weigh in the current provisions and its usage doesn't have any problem. (2) One of the results showed that the importance of construction closing was under estimated in the weigh evaluation for construction closing and degradation of building equipment. Thus, new weigh is suggested by AHP analysis. (3) It is analyzed that weigh(non-quantitative) for complex evaluation shoud be lower the weigh(quantitative) of cost-analysis. Where as shoud be raise the important structure-safety. (4) structure-safety of a building should be estimated based on the provisions applied when the building was built.