The Quiver Matrix Model and 2d-4d Conformal Connection

We review the quiver matrix model (the ITEP model) in the light of the recent progress on 2d-4d connection of conformal field theories, in particular, on the relation between Toda field theories and a class of quiver superconformal gauge theories. On the basis of the CFT representation of the beta deformation of the model, a quantum spectral curve is introduced as >=0 at finite N and for beta \neq 1. The planar loop equation in the large N limit follows with the aid of W_n constraints. Residue analysis is provided both for the curve of the matrix model with the "multi-log" potential and for the Seiberg-Witten curve in the case of SU(n) with 2n flavors, leading to the matching of the mass parameters. The isomorphism of the two curves is made manifest.

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