Analysis and implementation of active noise control strategies using Piezo and EAP actuators

Noise, affecting people’s life quality on the workplace and at home, is nowadays being reduced mostly using passive or semi active noise cancellation. A drawback of such systems is their size and costs by cancellation of low frequency noise. Moreover for space-critical applications the using of such systems is often impossible due to strictly space requirements. That’s why the active noise control systems using a signal shifted in phase related to the original noise signal are seems to be a very promising concept for noise cancellation. In the current work the strategies and algorithms for active noise reduction were analyzed, implemented and experimentally tested for application to the duct ventilation systems. Simulations of the algorithms were implemented using Matlab software. By experimental testing the piezo actuator was used as an active element of the Active Noise Control (ANC) system. 41 figures 4 tables 75 pages