PolSARpro v3.3: The Educational Toolbox for Polarimetric and Interferometric Polarimetric SAR Data Processing

The objective of this paper is to make a review of the current status of the PolSARpro v3.3 Software (Polarimetric SAR Data Processing and Educational Toolbox), developed under contract to ESA by a consortium comprising I.E.T.R at the University of Rennes 1, AELc, DLR-HR and Dr mark Williams from Adelaide. The objective of this current project is to provide Educational Software that offers a tool for selfeducation in the field of Polarimetric SAR data analysis at University level and a comprehensive suite of functions for the scientific exploitation of fully and partially polarimetric multi-data sets and the development of applications for such data. The PolSARpro v3.3 Software establishes a foundation for the exploitation of Polarimetric techniques for scientific developments and stimulates research and applications developments using PolSAR and PolInSAR data.