Proximal Splitting Algorithms: Overrelax them all!

Many problems in statistics, machine learning, signal and image processing, or control can be formulated as convex optimization problems [1–6]. In the age of ‘big data’, with the explosion in size and complexity of the data to process, it is increasingly important to be able to solve convex optimization problems, whose solutions live in very high dimensional spaces [2, 7–10]. There is extensive literature about splitting methods for solving convex optimization problems, with applications in various fields [8, 11–17]. They consist of simple, easy to compute, steps that can deal with the terms in the objective function separately. In this paper, we present several splitting methods in the single umbrella of the forward–backward iteration to solve monotone inclusions, appliedwith preconditioning. In addition, we show that, when the smooth term in the objective function is quadratic, convergence is guaranteed with larger values of the relaxation parameter than previously known. By relaxation, we mean the following: let us consider an iterative algorithm of the form z = T (z), for some operator T , which converges to some fixed point and solution z. Then z tends to be closer than z to z, on average. So, we may want, starting at z, to move further in the direction z − z, which improves the estimate. This yields the relaxed iteration: ⌊ z 1 2 ) = T (z) z = z + ρ(z 1 2 ) − z) . (1)

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