영상처리 기법을 이용한 원통형 용기내의 회전유속의 측정

An experimental investigation has been made for flow in a circular cylinder with a rotating bottom disk. Flow system considered in this paper is a characteristic model of interior flows of an electric washing machine. Flows in a tub of an electric washing machine are driven by a rotating bottom disk called a pulsator. The simple and characteristic model was composed of a circular cylinder with impulsively rotating endwall disk and a viscous fluid in it. Rotational motion of the pulsator is periodic and alternative in rotation direction. The flow field in the interior region is governed by a horizontal boundary layer forms on the impulsively rotating disk. Experimental approach was accomplished by adopting an image processing technique for velocity measurements. Comprehensive details of the flow structure are presented. Also a meridional circulation is obtained by tracking image particles suspended in the fluid. Flow structure and data are successfully procured for this complex rotating flow field.