Advancements in robotics have led to an evergrowing repertoire of software capabilities (e.g., recognition, mapping, and object manipulation). However, robotic capabilities grow, the complexity of operating and interacting with such robots increases (such as through speech, gesture, scripting, or programming). Language-based communication can offer users the ability to work with physically and computationally complex robots without diminishing the robot’s inherent capability. However, it remains an open question how to build a common ground in human language that will scale with the growth of robot capabilities, for instance within development environments such as ROS (the Robot Operating System). We examine this scaling problem through large-scale symbol grounding for robot dialog. We explore this problem in two parts through the development of: (1) a generic software framework for ROS that grounds parts of speech (verbs for now) into robotic capabilities using the proposed action hierarchy model and (2) a dialog interface for human-robot interaction through an expressive subset of natural language. We will evaluate the framework and interface through mobile manipulation experiments with a PR2, with consideration of the future scalability of our approach. I. BACKGROUND AND RELATED WORK Winograd [8] developed SHRDLU, a system which processed natural-language instructions and performed actions in a virtual environment. From this, researchers pushed forward trying to extend SHRDLU’s capabilities into real-world environments and soon branched into tackling various subproblems, including NLP and robotics systems. Research conducted on the robotics systems side has resulted in frameworks such as ROS, developed by Quigley et al. [5], which has been used in several domains of modern robotics research. NLP research including robotic components has also lead to advancements. Notably, Kollar et al. [3] and MacMahon et al. [4] have developed methods of following route instructions given in natural language. Dzifcak et al. [2] studied translating natural language instructions into goal descriptions and actions. Chernova et al. [1] implemented natural-language and action-oriented human-robot interaction with humans in a task by data-mining previous human-human interactions of the same task. However, the scalability of these solutions outside of their test domain remains open. Attempts have been made recombining these fields. For instance, Tenorth et al. [7] has developed robotic systems capable of inferring and acting upon implicit commands using knowledge databases. Finally, linguists have also examined problems related to understanding verbs; for instance, Ruppenhofer et al. [6]’s FrameNet portrays verbs as a key role of a “scene” or semantic frame. II. CONTRIBUTIONS AND IMPLEMENTATION We approach the problem using an action hierarchy model, which binds verbs in input dialog to actions in ROS. Dialog is defined an expressive subset of natural language and is a starting point for more sophisticated language processing. Here, we use dialog to establish communication patterns that both robots and humans can understand, establishing a common ground between humans and robots. As NLP continues to improve, common ground can be established in ways even more similar to natural language than dialog. Further, grounding can be established not only for verbs, but for other parts of speech such as nouns, prepositional phrases, and the like. We choose ROS to implement this approach because of its community support for a multitude of platforms and localization packages. Further, code developed for ROS is already modularized into constructs called nodes, which interact with each other via inter-process communication. The combination of community and modularization provides us with a plethora of code chunks that verbs can ground themselves in. Because of ROS’s community’s size and heterogeneity, we need to also consider how the hierarchy will be stored, who will have permission to modify it, and how. Centralized control (in the form of, e.g., a “blessed” verb grounding package) offers better reliability and control of user experience than community control but at the cost of the community being able to contribute. To get the best of both worlds, we will develop both a “blessed” verb grounding package and a patch system, the former creating a positive user experience and the latter enabling the community to link their work to ours without requiring they go through a formal appeals process. III. ACTION HIERARCHY MODEL
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