DDT: Mitigating the Competitiveness Difference of Data Center TCPs

To achieve better network performance, the cloud service providers are widely deploying the ECN-based transport protocols (i.e., DCTCP) in their data center networks (DCN). In multi-tenant environment, however, the newly introduced ECN-enabled TCP greatly impairs the performance of applications with out-dated and miscon figured TCP stacks. The reason is that the ECN-enabled datacenter switch fails to treat the mixed TCP traffic fairly, causing the distinguished performance gap between the ECN-enabled and ECN-disabled TCPs. This paper proposes DDT (Dual Dynamic Thresholds), an active queue management algorithm (AQM) that aims to achieve the flow-level fairness when the heterogeneous TCP traffic coexists. DDT monitors the switch queue in real time, and dynamically tunes the distance between ECN-marking and packet-dropping thresholds to mitigate the competitiveness difference between the ECN-enabled and ECN-disabled TCP. Our preliminary real implementations and testing results show that DDT elegantly fills the competitiveness gap of heterogeneous TCP traffic without disturbing their own control loops, while only introducing acceptable deployment overhead at the switch.

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