Characterization of PMR-15 Polyimide Resin Composition in the Thermo-Oxidatively Exposed Graphite Fiber Composites.

Abstract : The contributions of individual resin components to total resin weight loss in 600 deg F air aged Celion 6000/PMR-15 polyimide composites were determined from the overall resin weight loss in the composite by chemically separating the PMR-15 matrix resin into its monomeric components. The individual resin components were also analyzed by spectroscopic techniques in order to elucidate curing and degradation mechanisms of the PMR-15 matrix resin. The isothermal weight loss of the individual resin components during prolonged 600 deg F thermo-oxidative aging of the composite was correlated to the changes observed in the Fourier Transform infrared spectra and Fourier Transform nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of the individual resin components. The correlation was used to identify the molecular site of the thermo-oxidative changes in PMR-15 polyimide matrix resin during 600 deg F curing and prolonged 600 deg F thermo-oxidative aging. jg p.2