Wireless water quality monitoring system based on field point technology and Kohonen maps

Designing and implementing a distributed measurement system for water quality (WQ) monitoring characterized by multiparameter measurement capabilities, wireless data communication, and advanced processing of data sensor based on auto-associative neural networks (Kohonen maps) is the aim of the work reported in the present paper. The WQ sensors considered are pH, temperature, conductivity and turbidity sensors that are connected to fieldpoint conditioning and acquisition blocks. The sensor data processing in WQ monitoring system expressed by the numerical linearization and disturbance factors compensation is performed by the field stations (fieldpoint based station). Tasks such as data validation, data reconstruction, data fusion, pollution events signaling are performed by the land-based operator station represented by a personal computer (PC). The communication between field units and land-based unit is performed using two GSM data communication engines Siemens M20 that are RS232 connected to the stations.