SAKHAROV IN U.S.: Visit filled with moments of drama

It was an electrifying moment. A small, slightly stooped, nearly bald figure entered the huge ballroom and walked to the head table, greeted by a standing ovation from the crowd of more than 800, elegant in tuxedos and gowns. Thus, last week in Washington, D.C., Andrei D. Sakharov of the U.S.S.R. met Edward Teller of the U.S. at a dinner honoring Teller—the first meeting between physicists who led efforts to develop hydrogen bombs aimed against each other's country. "Both sides at that time felt that this work was vital/' Sakharov said, as translated from his Russian. "But I think it was a great tragedy, which reflected the state of the world then, which made it necessary to do such terrible things." Now, however, "I am convinced that the world has entered a new era, and a new approach is necessary." This meeting was just one striking moment in a visit to the U.S. by Sakharov ...