Community-Based Question Answering via Heterogeneous Social Network Learning

Community-based question answering (cQA) sites have accumulated vast amount of questions and corresponding crowdsourced answers over time. How to efficiently share the underlying information and knowledge from reliable (usually highly-reputable) answerers has become an increasingly popular research topic. A major challenge in cQA tasks is the accurate matching of high-quality answers w.r.t given questions. Many of traditional approaches likely recommend corresponding answers merely depending on the content similarity between questions and answers, therefore suffer from the sparsity bottleneck of cQA data. In this paper, we propose a novel framework which encodes not only the contents of question-answer(Q-A) but also the social interaction cues in the community to boost the cQA tasks. More specifically, our framework collaboratively utilizes the rich interaction among questions, answers and answerers to learn the relative quality rank of different answers w.r.t a same question. Moreover, the information in heterogeneous social networks is comprehensively employed to enhance the quality of question-answering (QA) matching by our deep random walk learning framework. Extensive experiments on a large-scale dataset from a real world cQA site show that leveraging the heterogeneous social information indeed achieves better performance than other state-of-the-art cQA methods.

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