Modelling Potential Crop Growth Processes: Textbook with Exercises

1. Introduction. 2. The main seasonal growth pattern. 3. Climatic factors. 4. Assimilate flow and respiration. 5. Development and growth. 6. Radiation in crops. 7. Leaf energy balance and transpiration. 8. Analysis of leaf CO2 assimilation. References. Appendix 1: Richards and Gompertz functions. Appendix 2: Gaussian integration in simulation modelling. Appendix 3: SUCROS1 -- A crop growth model for potential production. Appendix 4: SUCROS1 -- adapted for soil reflection. Appendix 5: The FORTRAN Simulation Translator (FST), a simulation language. Appendix 6: Derivation of the equations for exponential extinction of horizontal, non-black leaves (after Goudriaan (1977), pg 13--14). Index.