브랜드 포지셔닝 전략과 글로벌 경쟁력: 현대자동차 인도법인의 사례를 중심으로

This case deals with the brand positioning strategy Hyundai Motor India (HMI) has implemented in the automobile markets in India. We first overview the current status and the strategic importance of the Indian markets coupled with the trends of the automobile industry in the world. After reviewing the concepts and the roles of brand, we classify brand positioning into the five categories, (1) Features (concrete attributes), (2) Abstract attributes, (3) Direct (functional) benefit, (4) Indirect (experiential/symbolic) benefits, and (5) Surrogate positioning, and examine what kinds of brand positioning strategy HMI has implemented. Our analyses reveal that HMI mainly implements the brand positioning strategies of emphasizing concrete attributes and abstract attributes, which seems appropriate given the characteristics of the compact and the mid segments. By examining the performance indicators including the trends of customer satisfaction index, market shares, and sales, we confirm that HMI’s brand positioning strategy has contributed to its global competitiveness. We conclude this case by making several recommendations for HMI brand positioning strategy to be more successful in adjusting to the expected changes in the automobile industry in India.