율무 재배의 기계화 일관 작업체계가 시간 및 경비에 미치는 영향
This experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of the mechanized and intergrated working system on the reduction of time and expenditure for job's tears (Coix lachryma-jobi L.) cultivation. Emergence rate of working system was 50% at the merchanized and 62% at the conventional. Total working time was 230 minutes/10a at the merchanized and 2,273 minutes/10a at the conventional. Expenditure was 111,061 won/10a at the merchanized and 189,781 won/10a at the conventional. Date of emergence, budding, and flowering were the same for two systems. Growth characteristics were similiar in two systems, corn borer rate was 3.0% at the merchanized and 13.3% at the conventional. Grain yield components was higher at the merchanized than at the conventional. Thereby, grain yield was 351 ㎏/10a at the merchanized and 309 ㎏/10a at the conventional.