Emergence of Communication and Language
Empirical Investigations on Human Language.- Evolving Meaning: The Roles of Kin Selection, Allomothering and Paternal Care in Language Evolution.- 'Needs only' Analysis in Linguistic Ontogeny and Phylogeny.- Clues from Information Theory Indicating a Phased Emergence of Grammar.- Emergence of a Communication System: International Sign.- Distributed Language: Biomechanics, Functions, and the Origins of Talk.- Synthesis of Communication and Language in Artificial Systems.- The Recruitment Theory of Language Origins.- In silico Evolutionary Developmental Neurobiology and the Origin of Natural Language.- Communication in Natural and Artificial Organisms: Experiments in Evolutionary Robotics.- From Vocal Replication to Shared Combinatorial Speech Codes: A Small Step for Evolution, A Big Step for Language.- Learning and Transition of Symbols: Towards a Dynamical Model of a Symbolic Individual.- Language Change among 'Memoryless Learners' Simulated in Language Dynamics Equations.- The Evolution of Meaning-Space Structure through Iterated Learning.- The Emergence of Language: How to Simulate It.- Lexical Acquisition with and without Metacommunication.- Agent Based Modelling of Communication Costs: Why Information Can Be Free.- Language Change and the Inference of Meaning.- Language, Perceptual Categories and their Interaction: Insights from Computational Modelling.- Insights from Animal Communication.- Emergence of Linguistic Communication: Studies on Grey Parrots.- A Possible Role for Selective Masking in the Evolution of Complex, Learned Communication Systems.- The Natural History of Human Language: Bridging the Gaps without Magic.- Neural Substrates for String-Context Mutual Segmentation: A Path to Human Language.