VITRA GUIDE : Utilisation du Langage Naturel et de Représentations Graphiques pour la Description d'Itinéraires

As a basic research project, in Vitra we are concerned with the connection between language and visual perception. Aiming at knowledge-based systems that provide a natural language access for visual data, we especially deal with the automatic generation of route descriptions. In order to produce route descriptions taylored to user and application speci c needs we use the following presentation modes: natural language descriptions, 2-dimensional maps and 3dimensional graphics. In this paper we discuss these presentation modes and show how they can be combined for a multimodal route description. Dans : Colloque Interdisciplinaire du Comit e National \Images et Langages: Multimodalit e et Mod elisation Cognitive", Paris, 1993. Ce travail est sponsoris e par le Sonderforschungsbereich 314 der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, \K unstliche Intelligenz und wissensbasierte Systeme", projet N2: VITRA.