[SB6 재고 및 물류시스템(2)] 냉장창고설비의 픽킹 및 재 보충설비계획문제의 연구
Recent studies among various activities taking place in order-picking warehouse system have shown various researches to reduce the order-picking costs occupying more than half the total costs. One way of improving the warehouse system performance is to separate from a picking area and a reserve area in one unit rack.
This study is concerned on the performance evaluation model for picking and replenishing facility of refrigerated warehouse using simulation method. In this study, we developed a mathematical model
to compute the system performance solve this problem using simulation method. We demonstrate the system performance using
AutoMod Simulator and verify the results to compare mathematical results of the system performance of warehouse system. A systematic approach proposed n this study for an optimal planning of order-picking warehouse is known as an effective method for planning of order-picking warehouse and a performance evaluation problem
considering both picking and replenishment.