Background & Method: The study was carried out in the Department of Radio diagnosis, Index Medical College, Hospital & Research Centre, Indore with an aim to correlate of cyclical changes in endometrium and uterine blood flow with ovulation, and to predict the approximate time of ovulation.
Result: The study shows maximum numbers of cases (78%) have endometrial thickness more than 7 mm and most of them belongs to fertile group, while 22% cases have endometrial thickness less than 7mm and they all belong to infertile group. The study shows 66% of cases have 5 layered endometrial appearance and almost all of them were fertile and 34% cases have hazy 5 layered or no layering and most of them (14 out of 17) belongs to infertile group.
In this study 68% patients have multifocal endometrial blood supply and almost all of them are fertile while 32% patients have absent or sparse endometrial blood flow.
Conclusion: The advent of color flow imaging has enabled the detection of neovascularization and change in blood flow in endometrium and myometrium. In the study it was noted that 5 layered endometrium was present in almost all fertile cases while in infertile cases endometrium was single layer or hazy 5 layered, so it can be postulated that distinct 5 layered endometrium is associated with fruitful pregnancy outcome. It was also noted frequently in the study that endometrium thickness less than 7mm was commonly seen in infertile cases while patients having more than 7mm thick endometrium were from fertile group, so it can be postulated that good endometrial thickness provides more chances for fruitful pregnancy outcome.
Keywords: Endometrium, Uterine & Ovulation.
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Nihon Sanka Fujinka Gakkai zasshi.