Editorial: State of the Transactions

[1]  Sebastian Thrun,et al.  Text Classification from Labeled and Unlabeled Documents using EM , 2000, Machine Learning.

[2]  Stanley M. Bileschi,et al.  Advances in Component-Based Face Detection , 2002, SVM.

[3]  Philip S. Yu,et al.  Partially Supervised Classification of Text Documents , 2002, ICML.

[4]  Malik Yousef,et al.  One-Class SVMs for Document Classification , 2002, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[5]  Robert P. W. Duin,et al.  Uniform Object Generation for Optimizing One-class Classifiers , 2002, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[6]  Eddy Mayoraz Multiclass Classification with Pairwise Coupled Neural Networks or Support Vector Machines , 2001, ICANN.

[7]  William P. Birmingham,et al.  Improving category specific Web search by learning query modifications , 2001, Proceedings 2001 Symposium on Applications and the Internet.

[8]  Rémi Gilleron,et al.  Learning from positive and unlabeled examples , 2000, Theor. Comput. Sci..

[9]  C. Lee Giles,et al.  DEADLINER: building a new niche search engine , 2000, CIKM '00.

[10]  Neel Sundaresan,et al.  A classifier for semi-structured documents , 2000, KDD '00.

[11]  Sung-Hyon Myaeng,et al.  A practical hypertext catergorization method using links and incrementally available class information , 2000, SIGIR '00.

[12]  Susan T. Dumais,et al.  Hierarchical classification of Web content , 2000, SIGIR '00.

[13]  Yoram Singer,et al.  Reducing Multiclass to Binary: A Unifying Approach for Margin Classifiers , 2000, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[14]  Ada Wai-Chee Fu,et al.  Finding Structure and Characteristics of Web Documents for Classification , 2000, ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Research Issues in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery.

[15]  Rémi Gilleron,et al.  Positive and Unlabeled Examples Help Learning , 1999, ALT.

[16]  Robert P. W. Duin,et al.  Support vector domain description , 1999, Pattern Recognit. Lett..

[17]  Thorsten Joachims,et al.  Text categorization with support vector machines , 1999 .

[18]  Yiming Yang,et al.  A re-examination of text categorization methods , 1999, SIGIR '99.

[19]  Thorsten Joachims,et al.  Transductive Inference for Text Classification using Support Vector Machines , 1999, ICML.

[20]  Bernhard Schölkopf,et al.  SV Estimation of a Distribution's Support , 1999, NIPS 1999.

[21]  François Denis PAC Learning from Positive Statistical Queries , 1998, ALT.

[22]  Tom M. Mitchell,et al.  Learning to Extract Symbolic Knowledge from the World Wide Web , 1998, AAAI/IAAI.

[23]  Thorsten Joachims,et al.  Text Categorization with Support Vector Machines: Learning with Many Relevant Features , 1998, ECML.

[24]  H. Mase Experiments on Automatic Web Page Categorization for IR system , 1998 .

[25]  Marco Gori,et al.  A neural network-based model for paper currency recognition and verification , 1996, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks.

[26]  Giovanni Soda,et al.  Autoassociator-based models for speaker verification , 1996, Pattern Recognit. Lett..

[27]  Hsinchun Chen,et al.  Internet Categorization and Search: A Self-Organizing Approach , 1996, J. Vis. Commun. Image Represent..

[28]  D. Rubin,et al.  Maximum likelihood from incomplete data via the EM - algorithm plus discussions on the paper , 1977 .