The garment industry in low-income countries : an entry point of industrialization
1. Introduction: Dynamism of Garment Industry in Low-income Countries Takahiro Fukunishi and Tatsufumi Yamagata 2. Cambodia: Growth with Better Working Conditions Yoko Asuyama and Seiha Neou 3. Bangladesh: Market Force Supersedes Control Tatsufumi Yamagata 4. Vietnam: Upgrading from the Export to the Domestic Market Kenta Goto 5. Pakistan: Challenges for Women's Labor Force Participation Momoe Makino 6. Myanmar: Promised Growth with Restored Market Access? 7. Madagascar: Unyielding Growth amid the Political Turmoil Takahiro Fukunishi and Herinjatovo Aime Ramiarison 8. Kenya: Stagnation in the Liberalized Markets Takahiro Fukunishi 9. Cross-Country Comparison of Firm Performance: Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Madagascar Takahiro Fukunishi