A Profile of Kindergarten Readiness in White Center: Fall 2007. Princeton, NJ: Mathematica Policy Research

I.1 White Center Response Rates to Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Data Sources ...5 II.1 Family and Household Characteristics in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 9 II.2 Mother and Father Characteristics in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 10 II.3 Child Characteristics in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 12 II.4 Parent Use of Social Services and Satisfaction Level in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 13 II.5 Health Service Use in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 15 II.6 Early Childhood Program and Kindergarten Transition Experiences in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 16 II.7 Kindergarten and Current Child Care Experiences in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 18 III.1 Child Language and Literacy Skills in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 26 III.2 Child Mathematics Skills in White Center: Fall 2007 ELI Kindergarten Readiness Baseline 27

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