Multidimensional quantum entanglement with large-scale integrated optics

Large-scale integrated quantum optics The ability to pattern optical circuits on-chip, along with coupling in single and entangled photon sources, provides the basis for an integrated quantum optics platform. Wang et al. demonstrate how they can expand on that platform to fabricate very large quantum optical circuitry. They integrated more than 550 quantum optical components and 16 photon sources on a state-of-the-art single silicon chip, enabling universal generation, control, and analysis of multidimensional entanglement. The results illustrate the power of an integrated quantum optics approach for developing quantum technologies. Science, this issue p. 285 Large-scale integrated quantum optical circuitry is demonstrated on a single silicon chip. The ability to control multidimensional quantum systems is central to the development of advanced quantum technologies. We demonstrate a multidimensional integrated quantum photonic platform able to generate, control, and analyze high-dimensional entanglement. A programmable bipartite entangled system is realized with dimensions up to 15 × 15 on a large-scale silicon photonics quantum circuit. The device integrates more than 550 photonic components on a single chip, including 16 identical photon-pair sources. We verify the high precision, generality, and controllability of our multidimensional technology, and further exploit these abilities to demonstrate previously unexplored quantum applications, such as quantum randomness expansion and self-testing on multidimensional states. Our work provides an experimental platform for the development of multidimensional quantum technologies.

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