Computation of turbulent coaxial jet flow on parallel systems

We have developed a code to model the axisymmetric incompressible turbulent Navier-Stokes equations for chemical reactor problems. A conventional co-located finite volume method is used to discretize the conservative form of the continuum equations. The coupling between the pressure and velocity equations is achieved using the SIMPLE algorithm. The resulting iterative equations are solved using either the standard Tri-Diagonal Matrix Algorithm (TDMA) for the momentum and turbulence model equations or preconditioned conjugate gradient solvers (PCCG) for the pressure correction equation. The k-e and Reynolds stress (RSM) models of turbulence were used to achieve a closure of governing equations. A parallel version of the code was developed within the Communicating Sequential Process (CSP) programming model implemented within a message passing harness portable to both shared memory and distributed memory systems. The total parallel efficiency of the code is presented for both turbulence models implemented in the present code.