A mixed numerical/experimental technique for the nondestructive identification of the stiffness properties of fibre reinforced composite materials

Abstract The characterization of the stiffness properties of fibre reinforced composite (FRC) materials presents more difficulties than the characterization of traditional isotropic materials. This paper first describes the difficulties that can arise and next presents a nondestructive method that offers a possible solution to the problems. The proposed method is a so-called ‘Mixed Numerical/Experimental Technique’ (MNET). From an experimental point of view, the method requires the measurement of resonant frequencies of freely suspended rectangular test plates. From the numerical side, an accurate model of the test plate must be available. The stress field associated with the different resonant frequencies is multi-axial. The measurement procedure however is very simple and requires little specimen preparation. The equipment is inexpensive and the measurement procedure can be controlled by a PC program. The proposed MNET allows the simultaneous determination of all the anisotropical properties and provides an estimation of their statistical distribution.