An Emotion-Object-Interaction Framework for Exploration of Design Patterns of Massive Interpersonal Persuasion

Social media has been growing since the emergence of Web 2.0. Interpersonal diffusion has big potential for a new kind of media marketing. As the stay time in social media increases, it is crucial to make use of social media for marketing utilities. In order to cope with this need, it is important to create a framework for diffusion using a user experience diffusion mechanism. The large social graph capability of social networks has significant potential. However, the difficulty of controlling the behavior of social interaction presents challenges to coining a systematic methodology to deal with it. For facilitating the automation of user experience diffusion, the author proposes a framework called the "Emotion-Object-Interaction framework." The author discusses the best practices of the Emotion-Object-Interaction framework using the examples of social network services and mobile social games. The proposed framework focuses on the emotion of first user, then on symbolization of the emotion and interaction with it. This simple scheme provides a general framework for mass interpersonal persuasion.