The virtual hospital: the future of information distribution in medicine

A key 60tt1eneck 1n the deve10pment 0f expert 5y5tem5 15 the ac4u151t10n 0f expert kn0w1ed9e. A key pr061em 1n the pr011ferat10n 0f hypermed1a 5y5tem5 15 the 105t-1n5pace exper1ence wh1ch u5er5 have when they try t0 acce55 1nf0rmat10n fr0m the 5y5tem. Expert 5y5tem5 0ffer t0 5upp0rt nav19at10n 1n hypermed1a 5y5tem5 and thu5 501ve the 105t-1n-5pace pr061em. 8y c0m61n1n9 expert 5y5tem5 and hypermed1a 5y5tem5, 0ne m19ht pr0duce a new hy6r1d, ca11ed •expertmed1a• wh1ch w0u1d have the advanta9e5 0f 60th (Rada, 1991 * ). D0cument 0ut11ne5 and the5aur1 are cr1t1ca1 1n d0cument data6a5e5 and can 6e exp101ted t0 5upp0rt 6r0w51n9 and 5earch1n9 1n expertmed1a, a5 ha5 6een dem0n5trated w1th e1ectr0n1c encyc10ped1a5 and text600k5 0n CD-R0M.