Skeletal extension of staghorn coral Acropora formosa in relation to environment at Kavaratti atoll (Lakshadweep)

Growth study for 2 years, in rspect of skeletal extension, was conducted in situ at Kavaratti atoll. Average annual rate of extension of branches was 7.9 ± 2 cm for first year and 8.2 ± 1.8 em for second year. Growth of individual branches exhibited intracolony variations . Monthly rate of growth was found to be slower during monsoon (June-September) when compared to premonsoon (February-May) .and postmonsoon (October-January) seasons. Environmental conditions at the study area, with the exceptIOn of the amount of sediments in water, seemed conducive to the growth of Acropora formosa. The existence of Lakshadweep atolls and the maintenance of their resources depend on the continuous growth and survival of corals. Environ­ mental factors playa significant role in the growth of corals and their survival. No study has so far been conducted on the growth and factors affecting the rate of growth of corals at Lakshadweep. In this communication results of growth studies in respect of skeletal extension (growth in length) on a staghorn coral Acroporaformosa (Dana) in the Kavaratti atoll at Lakshadweep in relation to water temperature, pH, salinity, phosphate, nitrite, nitrate, calcium, current velocity, total suspended matter, sedi­ mentation, rainfall and zooplankton abundance are reported.