There exist many difficult problems to understand a situation and an event described in sentences or a story. One of them is to treat with more than one subject and their relations. Another is the comprehension of movement of the subjects and their effects to the others. In this pater, micro-actor is used as the knowledge representation in which such the problems mentioned above are solved. The micro-actor is an artificial intelligence module for knowledge representation, which is realized Hewitt's actor concept.A large problem is often solved by a group of specialists. Each specialist has his own knowledge and technique. A specialist can accomplish independently a small work communicating with the others. The specialist is implemented in the form of micro-actor on a computer. The micro-actor is independent of the others, and communicating with the others using one kind of action: sending message to another micro-actor.We discuss the following four problems to understand stories and the approaches to them: (1) depth of understanding sentences to comprehend a story, (2) a method to deal with an event which happens on the specific condition, (3) synchronization of the events which occur at same time and (4) treatment of the event which involves more than one object.
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Human and Computational Question Answering
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An Active Frame for the Knowledge Representation
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An actor-based computer animation language
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The FRL Primer
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The FRL Manual
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Why John Married Mary: Understanding Stories Involving Recurring Goals
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Hitoshi Ogawa,et al.
A Structure for the Representation of Knowledge: A Proposal for a Micro-Actor
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A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence