Computer-Aided Gastrointestinal Diseases Analysis From Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: A Framework of Best Features Selection

The continuous improvements in the area of medical imaging, makes the patient monitoring a crucial concern. The internet of things (IoT) embedded in a medical technologies to collect data from human body through sensors, wireless connectivity etc. The junction of medicine and IT like medical informatics will transform healthcare, curbing cost, make more efficient, and saving lives. Various computerized techniques are implemented in the area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the application of medical imaging to diagnose the infected regions in the images and videos such as WCE and pathology. The famous stomach infections are ulcer, polyp, and bleeding. Stomach cancer is the most common infection and a leading cause of human deaths worldwide. In the USA, since 2019, a total of 27,510 new cases are reported including 17,230 men and 10,230 women. While the number of deaths is 11,140 consists of 6,800 men and 4,340 women. The manual diagnosis of these stomach infections is a difficult and agitated process therefore it is required to design a fully automated system using AI. In this article, we presented a fully automated system for stomach infection recognition based on deep learning features fusion and selection. In this design, ulcer images are assigned manually and support to a saliency-based method for ulcer detection. Later, pre-trained deep learning model named VGG16 is employing and re-trained using transfer learning. Features of re-trained model are extracted from two consecutive fully connected layers and fused by array-based approach. Besides, the best individuals are selected through the metaheuristic approach name PSO along mean value-based fitness function. The selected individuals are finally recognized through Cubic SVM. The experiments are conducted on Private collected dataset and achieved an accuracy of 98.4%, which is best as compared to existing state-of-the-art techniques.

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