Risk Factors For Picky Eater In Preschool Children In An-Namiroh Kindergarten, Pekanbaru City
A picky eater is a behavior of children who do not consume a variety of diverse foods so that it can cause the failure of growth and development, decreased intelligence, not focus on learning, cause infection, malnutrition, and even stunting in children. The purpose of the study was to determine the risk factors for the occurrence of picky children in pre-school aged children in Pekanbaru's An Namiroh 4 Kindergarten in 2019. The type in this study is a type of quantitative analytic research with Cross-Sectional design. The location of this study will be conducted in Pekanbaru's An Namiroh 4 Kindergarten in 2019. The population in this study were all kindergarten children at An Namiroh 4 Kindergarten Pekanbaru in 2019, which were 113 kindergarten children aged pre-school. Data collection using questionnaires, measuring TB and weight. The analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis with a chi-square test with a confidence level of 95%. The results showed that the relationship between knowledge of mothers and the incidence of picky eater in pre-school age children obtained a value (P-value = 0.014), the relationship between eating behavior of mothers with the incidence of picky eater in pre-school age children, obtained a value (P-value = 0.032), the relationship between authoritarian parenting and picky events in pre-school age children, obtained a value (P-value = 0.017, Exclusive Asi relationship with picky events in preschool-agee children, obtained a value (P-value = 0.008) It is suggested to the teaching teacher in An Namiroh 4 Pekanbaru kindergarten to always see what food the child brings and give advice or input to the parents if the child is given food that is not diverse.
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