Neuromorphic systems engineering: neural networks in silicon

Foreword. Preface. I: Cochlear Systems. 1. Filter Cascades as Analogs of the Cochlea R.F. Lyon. 2. An Analogue VLSI Model of Active Cochlea E. Fragniere, et al. 3. A Low-Power Wide-Dynamic-Range Analog VLSI Cochlea R. Sarpeshkar, et al. 4. Speech Recognition Experiments with Silicon Auditory Models J. Lazzaro, J. Wawrzynek. II: Retinomorphic Systems. 5. The Retinomorphic Approach: Pixel-Parallel Adaptive Amplification, Filtering, and Quantization K.A. Boahlen. 6. Analog VLSI Excitatory Feedback Circuits for Attentional Shifts and Tracking T.G. Morris, S.P. DeWeerth. 7. Floating-Gate Circuits for Adaptation of Saccadic Eye Movement Accuracy T.K. Horiuchi, C. Koch. III: Neuromorphic Communication. 8. Introduction to Neuromorphic Communication T.S. Lande. 9. A Pulsed Communication/Computation Framework for Analog VLSI Perceptive Systems A. Mortara. 10. Asynchronous Communication of 2D Motion Information Using Winner-Takes-All Arbitration Z. Kalayjian, A.G. Andreou. 11. Communicating Neuronal Ensembles between Neuromorphic Chips K.A. Boahen. IV: Neuromorphic Technology. 12. Introduction: From Neurobiology to Silicon C. Diorio. 13. A Low-Power Wide-Linear-Range Transconductance Amplifier R. Sarpeshkar, et al. 14. Floating-Gate MOS Synapse Transistors C. Diorio, et al. 15. Neuromorphic Synapses for Artificial Dendrites W.C. Westerman, et al. 16. Winner-Take-All Networks with Lateral Excitation G. Indiveri. V: Neuromorphic Learning. 17. Neuromorphic Learning VLSI Systems: ASurvey G. Cauwenberghs. 18. Analog VLSI Stochastic Perturbative Learning Architectures G. Cauwenberghs. 19. Winner-Takes-All Associative Memory P.O. Pouliquen, et al. Index.