스포츠심리학 : 아동의 물체 조작기술 발달에 따른 협응 변화의 연구

The purpose of this study is to understand the changes of coordination and the form of development in kicking and throwing for different age groups and genders. To investigate these, researcher examined the distance of the kicked and thrown ball and coordination characteristic of throwing skill and kicking skill on age and gender. In the analytic result of the distance of the kicked and thrown ball on age and gender, children performed superior abilities of throwing and kicking with the increase of age. And on gender, the results of ball distance showed that the distance increased with the increase of age for both male and female but with the increase of age, the difference of the distance between genders grew bigger. In the analysis of coordinative pattern changes, the turning force of shoulders and hips and the moving center of gravity and wind-up in throwing skill and the last step ahead the kick and the location of the supporting foot in kicking skill were important variables representing coordination pattern changes. In the development of object-control skills, these results show the feature of sensitive period on age and gender. Also on the point of utilization of degree of freedom suggested by Bernstein(1967), it showed that proper coordination pattern were changed in throwing and kicking task. Some variables of the TGMD-2 will not directly apply to explanation of motor development for the Korean boys and girls.