Therapeutic angiogenesis for coronary artery disease: clinical trials of proteins, plasmids, adenovirus and stem cells.

Therapeutic angiogenesis represents a molecular and cellular approach to the treatment of coronary artery disease that may be an alternative or additive to traditional pharmacology and interventional cardiology. The goal of angiogenic therapy is to activate endogenous angiogenic and arteriogenic pathways and stimulate revascularization of ischemic myocardial tissue. The feasibility of such a strategy has now been established through the results of studies over the past decade, and clinical trials involving more than 1000 patients have been implemented. In this review the results from these trials will be discussed, tracing the progression of the technology from the delivery of recombinant proteins to gene and stem-cell therapies. It is the opinion of the author that neither proteins nor genes delivered by transient expression vectors will provide an optimal therapy. Rather, the future of this approach lies with regulated genes delivered by permanent vector systems and possibly engineered into stem cells.

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