TAE Plus: Transportable Applications Environment Plus: a user interface development environment

The Transportable Applications Environment Plus (TAE Plus) is a NASA-developed user interface development environment (UIDE) for the rapid prototyping, evaluation, implementation, and management of user interfaces. TAE Plus provides an intuitive What You See Is What You Get (WYSIWYG) WorkBench for designing an application's user interface. The WorkBench supports the creation and sequencing of displays, including real-time, data-driven display objects. Users can define context-sensitive help for a target application. They can rehearse the user interface and also generate code automatically. In addition TAE Plus contains application services for the runtime manipulation and management of the user interface. Based on Motif and the MIT X Window System, TAE Plus runs on a variety of Unix- or VMS-based workstations. TAE Plus is an evolving system. User-defined requirements and new technology guide the development of each new version. Advances in virtual operating systems, human factors, computer graphics, command language design, standardization, and software portability are monitored and incorporated as they become available.