Automatic V/sub T/ extractors based on an n*n/sup 2/ MOS transistor array and their application

The development of incremental and decremental V/sub T/ extractors based on the square-law characteristic and an n*n/sup 2/ transistor array is described. Different implementations have been discussed and the effect of nonidealities such as mobility reduction, channel-length modulation, mismatch, and body effect has been analyzed. Besides automatic V/sub T/ extraction, parameter K of an MOS transistor can also be extracted automatically using the V/sub T/ extractor, without any need of calculation and delay, and the extracted V/sub T/ and K are, respectively, in voltage and current. Experimental results are presented and indicate that the differences between extracted values using the V/sub T/ extractor and the most popular numerical method are as small as 0.15% and 0.064%. Additional applications, such as in level shifting, temperature compensation, and temperature measurement, where the V/sub T/ extractor can be used either as a PTAT sensor or as a centigrade sensor, are presented. >