If Diversity Is a Natural State, Why Don’t Our Libraries Mirror the Populations They Serve?*
Synonyms for diversity include assortment, difference, distinctiveness, medley, unlikeness, and variety. Note that not one of these terms includes the concept of quotas or force of any kind. Diversity is the natural state. Sameness and uniformity are unnatural. Diversity is not about color, gender, age, language, or sexual orientation—it is about all of these things. If we do not ensure that our libraries have frontline professionals who reflect the nature of the communities with which they work, then we will lose valuable patrons. They will turn instead to their neighbor who looks just like them, regardless of whether or not they receive valid information from that person. Encouraging diversity and looking at things differently are some of the most important things libraries do as educational institutions. This article explores ways to ensure that in the future our library and information professionals mirror the people they serve.