The initiative for free caesareans was officially launched in December 2004. Our study, with The overall objective of contributing to an evaluation of the impact of this initiative on the operation of the Nabil Choucair Health Center (NCHC) will strengthen its implementation.
This is an analytical, cross-sectional, quantitative and qualitative study conducted from September 1 to October 31, 2017 at NCHC. It focused on four target populations: providers, beneficiaries, members of health and co-management committees, and those responsible for maternity and the laboratory. Data entry and analysis were performed with the Excel software and EPI Info version 3.3.2.
The survey involved a total of 135 beneficiaries, 55 providers, 11 co-management committee members, 2 health committee members, the manager, the laboratory manager, and the chief medical officer of the community. maternity. The average age of the beneficiaries was 29.31 years. The media represented the main source of information with 52%. Despite the free cost of drug expenditure was 40039 FCFA. The average waiting time was 5 hours. The most frequently mentioned problems were: delay in repayment, influx, debt of the structure, abuse of benefits, breakage of reagents and / or drugs. At NCHC 33% of deliveries are by caesarean section. The rate of caesarean section in population has increased from 4% to 8% with free delivery.
It seems appropriate to make recommendations for the referral of providers on free caesarean section, for the management of cesarean section, for reorganization of services and for the improvement of the quality of reception.
Caesarean. Universal health coverage.