Reservoir analysis of blanket sands using a numerical multi-mechanistic model

The primary objective of this research is to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the flow of gas in the tight blanket sands of the Mesaverde formation with the intent of fostering a better understanding of the physics governing such flow. The project is made up of three main task: reservoir data collection and analysis for the blanket sands; development, testing and validation of the multi-mechanistic reservoir model proposed to be used in this study; and the utilization of the model to evaluate production schemes and the evolution of an optimized scheme for the blanket sands. The expected deliverables from this study include: a coagulative analysis of the available reservoir analysis data and field data obtained by DOE in a manner that makes them more amenable to utilization and interpretation; a model that is coded and documented which will serve the primary purpose of a descriptive and predictive tool for natural gas production from tight blanket formations; and an indepth analysis of the reservoir performance, productivity prediction, production decline curves under various production schemes with a view of devising the optimum production scheme for these formations. 45 refs., 33 figs., 12 tabs.