고속 HEVC 부호화를 위한 보간 필터 최적화 연구
In this paper, a fast algorithm for interpolation filter in HEVC (high efficiency video coding) encoder is proposed. Computational complexity analysis based on HM7.1 shows that interpolation filter accounts for about 30% of encoder complexity. The proposed algorithm optimizes interpolation filter by applying SIMD (single instruction multiple data) instructions and frame-level interpolation on ANSI C-based private codec developed on the basis of HM10.0. Experimental results show that SIMD instructions and frame-level interpolation speed up interpolation filter by 2.6 and 26.24 times and reduces encoding time by 18% and 25%, respectively. Applying both SIMD instructions and frame-level interpolation accelerates interpolation filter by 109.18 times and reduces encoding time by 26%.