The postanoxic regeneration of 5'-adenosine nucleotides in rabbit kidney tissue during in vitro perfusion.
The adenylate metabolism in rabbit kidney tissue was investigated, by isolated normothermic bloodless perfusion, during anoxic cell deterioration and postanoxic recovery in vitro. The amounts of hypoxanthine washed out during continuous anaerobic perfusion were shown to represent a definite loss of intracellular purine. No salvage of the endogenic liberated oxypurine was found to occur during postanoxic reoxygenation. The ability to restore the content of 5'-adenosine nucleotides failed after 60-120 min of anaerobic perfusion. Adenosine, adenine, inosine, hypoxanthine, and D-ribose added to the perfusate during reoxygenation were investigated with regard to their ability to stimulate postanoxic adenylate regeneration. Adenosine alone added in a concentration of more than 1 mmol/l showed a significant stimulation of the adenylate synthesis, with complete regeneration of the adenylate content after 180 min of preceding anoxia. In can be concluded that anoxia kidney deterioration is associated with a progressive loss of intracellular oxypurine, and a decreasing ability to regenerate adenylates after reoxygenation, which could be prevented by exogenic addition of adenosine. It appears reasonable to assume that the results obtained reflect the adenylate metabolism of a kidney graft during the postischaemic phase immediately after implantation.