The Use of Neural Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Design of Groundwater Remediation Schemes

Abstract. The increasing incidence of groundwater pollution has led to recognition of a need to develop objective techniques for designing reniediation schemes. This paper outlines one such possibility for determining how many abstraction/injection wells are required, where they should be located etc., having regard to minimising the overall cost. To that end, an artificial neural network is used in association with a 2-D or 3-D groundwater simulation model to determine the performance of different combinations of abstraction/injection wells. Thereafter, a genetic algorithm is used to identify which of these combinations offers the least-cost solution to achieve the prescribed residual levels of pollutant within whatever timescale is specified. The resultant hybrid algorithm has been shown to be effective for a simplified but nevertheless representative problem; based on the results presented, it is expected the methodology developed will be equally applicable to large-scale, real-world situations.