사용자의 자기대상 경험을 위한 사용자 인터페이스에 관한 연구

Progress trend of the current technology for the future industry notice the appearance of the dimension what is different from the human interface means product/service was placed in the center of the only human behavior or use structure on the surface. In this study, this kinds of trends discussed and analyzed research which was assigned to the theory of the self psychology of Heinz Kohut. This was redefining the concept and the range of user interface and user experience. Based on the redefinition has been content, this study attended a user who is a subject to experience is possible to be an interface itself, and it act to be an internal · an external user interface in the process of the interaction composed input · output. In the self psychology, the experience not as the separation existence buy as an extended status of the self, through empathic interaction on the relationship between the self and the object call the ‘selfobject experience’. In this way, the narcissism (Libido tend to the self and the object) is formed from the experience of the part of the self as the object (product/Service) rather than separated with itself, because the user itself charge of the internal · external input · output on the user interface and the user experience. These experiences to form the user’s own selfhood in the personal life of the user, and it can go continuously fusion. More specifically, in this study was derived the similarity for the role types of the ‘Grandiose · Nuclear · idealized selfobject (the narcissism)’ and the role of the user interface as ‘the object’ through analysis study of the comparison and analyze. In addition, this study defined the elements of the optimal reaction and ‘the user experience model on the selfobject interface’ by the types of the selfobject interfaces.