22 Manure management, hygienic conditions and greenhouse gas emissions in dairy farms using recycled manure solids as bedding for cows

Twelve cowsheds representative for different manure management were compared to evaluate the suitability and cost efficiency of recycled separated manure solids as bedding for loose housed dairy cows. Housing systems, equipment, machines, labour and litter usage were analysed and compared as well as skin dirtiness, locomotion scores and milk quality. Greenhouse gas emission of cubicles bedded with manure solids were also measured. The survey showed acceptable hygienic conditions of cows housed in cubicle with manure solids. Cost savings related to the recycle of manure solids amounted to 43.6 € cow year -1 with reference to labour, machine and litter costs. Emission factors of cubicles bedded with recycled manure solids resulted 6.98 mg . h of NH3, 44.39 mg . h of N 2O, 32586 mg . h of CO 2 and 145.5 mg . h of CH 4.