Electronics Systems for the Gamma Ray Energy Tracking Nuclear Array (GRETA)

The Gamma Ray Energy Tracking Nuclear Array (GRETA), a 4-π germanium detector system capable of measuring energy and position (within better than 2mm rms) of gamma-ray interaction points and tracking multiple gamma-ray interactions, is being designed. GRETA is composed of 30 detector modules, each with four high purity germanium crystals. Four electronics modules will support the operation of the detectors: the Digitizer Module, the Signal Filter Board and the Trigger and Timing Modules. The Digitizer Module converts the analog information with analog to digital converters operating at 100 MS/s and sends the conversions through fiber optics to the Signal Filter Board. The Signal Filter Board digitally processes the data to determine the energy and timing information of the gamma interactions within a crystal. The Digitizer and Signal Filter Board send trigger information to the Trigger System. Different trigger algorithms for trigger decision are planned for the Trigger System. The Timing System provides the clock for the electronics systems and auxiliary detectors. In this paper we review the details of the planned GRETA Electronics System.